Sunday, September 2, 2012


I need to get back to it.  I cleaned up my yarn area so I am getting inspired again.  Unfortunately, with school starting again and the knotted yarn, I lost my momentum.  Since I have Monday off I think I am going to get set up again.
There is a project called Make Something 365 which I think would help because I have lots of fabric and fiber that I would like to use up and get some new.  I am not sure what to do though.  With knitting I can just do something like "Knit at least 2 rows a day, or knit while I listen to a podcast"  The fabric is going to be a little bit hard though.  I will have to think of something good.
It is amazing that if you went to someone 100 year ago and said that you had time to make one thing every day they would think you are crazy.
Well, gotta go do some laundry. :-)